Pioneer Ways Arts

The City of Oak Harbor issued an RFP calling for artists to submit proposals for art to be placed on Pioneer Way since the street is being redeveloped. The deadline for the RFP was January 14, 2011. The City received 16 proposals. The City of Oak Harbor Arts Commission will review the proposals and make a recommendation to the City Council. This blog has been created to share information with the public on the proposals.

Project parameters

The RFP requested proposals for four possible locations along Pioneer Way. The general locations that are currently under consideration are:
1) City Beach Street and Pioneer Way - SE corner or general vicinity
2) Dock Street and Pioneer Way - NW corner or general vicinity
3) Ireland St and Pioneer Way
4) Midway Blvd and Pioneer way - NE corner or general vicinity.

Total budget = $80,000

The Art Commission considered the City Beach Street and the Midway Blvd location to be the entryways and therefore assigned prominence to these locations by allocating $30,000 to each of those locations.

The Art Commission may choose to change some of these location or allocate $$ based on the choice of artwork.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Arts Commission in May

May was busy month for the Pioneer Way Art Project.  The Arts Commission met on May 9th and May 16 to formulate a recommendation to the City Council.  The recommendations evolved with each week due to changes in cost estimates and withdrawals of art pieces (Clouds and Vortex).  Georgia Gerber, who had originally proposed the "Salmon Window" replaced the art piece with Duckling since the previous proposal was similar to a piece that was installed in Everett.  The Arts Commission preferred the "Ducklings" and recommended it for the Ireland Street location.  The other recommendations were Moon Waves for Midway Blvd, Sea Life for Dock Street and Water Sculpture for City Beach Street.

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